Poultry Supply Websites
- BerryHill Supplies
- Jonkman Equipment Ltd. Abbotsford, BC (604)857-2000
Info Websites
- American Poultry Association: (We are district 11)
- APA District 11 Facebook Group
- Heritage Livestock Canada (formerly Rare Breeds Canada) https://heritagelivestock.org/
- The Livestock Conservancy http://livestockconservancy.org/
- FeatherSite: http://www.feathersite.com/Poultry/BRKPoultryPage.html
- Fraser Valley Poultry Fanciers Association: www.fvpfa.org
- Vernon Pigeon and Poultry Club https://vppc.ca
- Cowichan Feather Fanciers http://cowichanfeatherfanciers.weebly.com/shows.html
- Salt Spring Island Farmers Institute http://ssifi.org/
- British Columbia Chicken Marketing Board http://bcchicken.ca/index.php/industry-resources/regulations-and-forms/ information, rules and forms for meat birds
- BC Turkey Marketing Board http://bcturkey.com/
- British Columbia Egg Marketing Board http://www.bcegg.com
- Alberta Chickens Etc.: http://www.punbb-hosting.com/forums/Albertachickensetc/index.php
- The Classroom at the Coop: www.the-coop.org/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=cfrm
- Backyard Poultry: http://forum.backyardpoultry.com/
- The Poultry Site: http://www.thepoultrysite.com/
- True North Heritage Hatchery: Armstrong, BC www.TrueNorthFarm.ca
- Performance Poultry: Carrying Plane, ON www.performancepoultry.com
- Whitehouse Stables: Saanich, BC https://whitehousestables.com/ (selling birds raised at Mile End Farm, Cobble Hill)
- Reliable Poultry: Merville, BC reliablepoultryservice@gmail.com
Poultry Veterinarians and Avian Veterinarians
- For information on poultry health and management:
Animal Health Centre, BC Ministry of Agiculture
(604) 556-3003, toll free 1-800-661-9903
1767 Angus Campbell Rd.
Abbotsford, BC V3G 2M3
Dr.Victoria Bowes, Avian Pathologist
Small flock owners welcome. - Dr. Anne McDonald, Night Owl Bird Hospital
1956 Broadway West,
Vancouver, BC V6J 1Z2
http://www.nightowlbirdhospital.ca/ - Dr. Ian Lawrie at Chase River Vet
1151 Lawlor Rd.
Nanaimo, BC V9R 6R6
Poultry Abattoirs
- Salt Spring Abattoir http://www.saltspringabattoir.ca/
- Farmhouse Poultry, Cowichan Bay BC http://www.farmhousepoultry.ca/
- Kildonan Farm Fine Foods, Saanich BC (250) 656-3900